Puppy Love Party - Recap

Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of attending my first yarn release party for Fiber Hound!  Reverie Yarn, Decor & Gifts is the lucky first shop to carry my yarns, and I am so fortunate to be able to work with them.  The shop is owned by 7 people who came together with a common vision, and grew from the ashes of a closed yarn store in Goshen, Indiana.  Conveniently, the shop is located 45 minutes away from my studio.  They feature a wide array of yarns from Berroco, Manos, Lorna's Laces, and Kauni, as well as many non-yarn items.  Their shop aesthetic is perfect: homey, warm, and full of yarn.

Reverie's first order consisted of various colors of Afghan Hound, Dachshund, and Basenji, and they prominently featured these yarns for the party.  They also had a new and talented designer, Denise Devereux of d. Designs, create a pattern out of my yarn!  I was happy to see many of her patterns fly out the door at the party. 

One of Reverie's great ideas for the evening was to create a matching game based on the names of my yarns on the back of custom order forms.  For each dog photo you could match with it's breed name, you would get 1% off.  I'll admit that some of these were tricky, because a lot of the dogs I named my yarns after look like long haired greyhounds!


The event went very successfully, and I'm so pleased to be associated with them.  I intend for them to be the first of many lovely stores that Fiber Hound yarns will be associated with.



The view of the store when you walk in.  Beautiful! 

Basenji, Dachshund, and Afghan Hound yarn. 

Pressed Leaves, from Botanical Knits: Twelve Designs Inspired by Trees and Foliage, made out of Afghan Hound in Cerberus.

The lovely cowl pattern designed with Fiber Hound's yarns! 

The vibrant cowl from d. Designs

Posted on July 24, 2013 and filed under Events.