Posts tagged #Buttons

Buttons for Sale!

I'm happy to announce that Fiber Hound is now selling dog buttons!  Right now we have seven varieties available, with more on the way in the future.  They're all high quality and ADORABLE.  You can check out our new button category here.

First up, we have puppy buttons!  These are the buttons I wrote about in my post about the Puppy Button Mitts, and are available in white and brown.  They are made of plastic and have a plastic button hole on the back.

Next, we have two varieties of wooden buttons.  These buttons appear to have the different colors glued together to form the different shapes.  The amazingly adorable Sweatered Scottie has 6 colors in the wood, while the Hound only has two.  They both have metal hooks for backs.

Finally, we have a more simple round button with a Scottie on it.  For reasons beyond my knowing, there are a lot of buttons featuring Scotties on them.  And they are adorable.  These plastic buttons come in black, white, and red.

Posted on May 28, 2014 and filed under Products.